
Alex Vaughan Photography

I’m a bilingual actor and voiceover artist of Australian and Austrian background based in Sydney with extensive stage and screen experience and training.

My passion is for storytelling which deepens people’s authentic connection with themselves and others and reveals our shared humanity. I’m especially interested in roles and stories which explore the rich inner lives and voices of women.



Rehearsing Blood Wedding directed by Diana Alvarado. Playing at the Flight Path Theatre from 17 July to 3 August 2024. Buy tickets

Performed the lead role of Marina Litvinenko in A Very Expensive Poison at the New Theatre.

Playing the lead in POC short Purgatorio directed by Nancy Cao.

Playing an avenging woman in German language short horror film Promise – Mantel des Schweigens by Axmo Deus.

Theatre Reviews

A Very Expensive Poison – New Theatre

Photo by Bob Seary
Photo by Bob Seary

Life is Impossible – Old 505 Theatre

Photo by Syl Marie Photography